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SQL Query Syntax

OmixAtlas class enables users to interact with functional properties of the omixatlas such as create and update an Omixatlas, get summary of it's contents, add, insert, update the schema, add, update or delete datasets, query metadata, download data, save data to workspace etc.


  • token (str, default: None ) –

    token copy from polly.


from polly.OmixAtlas import OmixAtlas

omixatlas = OmixAtlas(token)


query_metadata(query, experimental_features=None)

This function will return a dataframe containing the SQL response. In cases of data intensive queries, the data returned can be very large to process and it might lead to kernel failure , where in the runtime memory is exhausted and the process haults. In order to access the data, there are two options in this case, either increase the kernel memory, or use the function query_metadata_iterator() that returns an iterator. The function usage can be looked up in the documentation mentioned here under the Polly Python section - "".


  • query (str) –

    sql query on omixatlas.

  • experimental_features

    this section includes in querying metadata .


  • DataFrame

    It will return a dataframe that contains the query response.


  • UnfinishedQueryException

    when query has not finised the execution.

  • QueryFailedException

    when query failed to execute.


query_metadata_iterator(query, experimental_features=None)

This function will return a Generator object containing the SQL response.


  • query (str) ) –

    sql query on omixatlas.

  • experimental_features

    this section includes in querying metadata .


  • Generator[dict, None, None]

    It will return a generator object having the SQL response.


  • UnfinishedQueryException

    when query has not finised the execution.

  • QueryFailedException

    when query failed to execute.



Querying the dataset level metadata:

 query = "SELECT [column_name] FROM [repo_name/repo_id].datasets WHERE [column_name]='[value]'"
  1. To identify datasets belonging to the tissue Breast, disease Breast Neoplasms and organism Homo sapiens

        query = """SELECT * FROM geo_transcriptomics_omixatlas.datasets
                            WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Breast Neoplasms')
                            AND CONTAINS(curated_tissue, 'breast')
                            AND CONTAINS(curated_organism, 'Homo sapiens')
  2. Fetch datasets from Depmap which has gene dependency information according to CRISPR screening experiments

        query = """ SELECT dataset_id FROM depmap.datasets
            data_type = 'Gene dependency' AND
            data_repository_version = '2021_Q4' AND
            platform = 'CRISPR Screening'"""
  3. Identify all transcriptome datasets in Hepatocellular Carcinoma disease in Human and Mouse

        query = """SELECT * FROM geo_transcriptomics_omixatlas.datasets
                            WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Carcinoma, Hepatocellular')
                            AND (CONTAINS(curated_organism, 'Homo sapiens' OR CONTAINS(curated_organism, 'Mus musculus')
                            AND data_type LIKE '%Transcriptomics%')

Querying the sample level metadata:

  • For all samples except Single Cell

query = "SELECT [column_name] FROM [repo_name/repo_id].samples WHERE [column_name]='[value]'"
  1. Get the name of samples, dataset ID and extract_protocol_ch1 where spectroscopy is mentioned in the extract_protocol_ch1

        query = """SELECT name, src_dataset_id, extract_protocol_ch1 FROM geo_transcriptomics_omixatlas.samples
         WHERE LOWER(extract_protocol_ch1) LIKE '%spectroscopy%'"""
  2. Get the name of disease and number of samples where information about particular disease is curated

        query = """SELECT curated_disease, COUNT(*) AS count FROM geo_transcriptomics_omixatlas.samples 
        GROUP BY curated_disease ORDER BY count DESC """
  3. For samples (cells) in Single Cell

query = "SELECT [column_name] FROM [repo_name/repo_id].samples_singlecell WHERE [column_name]='[value]'"
  1. Find all the sample level metadata for the dataset ID 'GSE141578_GPL24676'
query = "SELECT * FROM sc_data_lake.samples_singlecell WHERE src_dataset_id = 'GSE141578_GPL24676' "
cells = omixatlas.query_metadata(query)

Querying the feature level metadata:

  • For all features except Single Cell

query = "SELECT [column_name] FROM [repo_name/repo_id].features WHERE [column_name]='[value]'"
  • For features (genes) in Single Cell
query = "SELECT [column_name] FROM [repo_name/repo_id].features_singlecell WHERE [column_name]='[value]'"

Querying data matrix

At the dataset level metadata, there's a column names data_table_name. This information will be helpful for users to run data matrix level queries. The template query looks as follow:-

query = f"SELECT * FROM data_matrices.{repo_name}__{dataset_id}"

Example: Fetch data matrix for selected genes for a dataset ID of interest

    gene = ('hbb-y', 'fth1', 'bbip1', 'actb')
    query = f"SELECT * FROM data_matrices.geo_transcriptomics_omixatlas__GSE143319_GPL20301_raw WHERE 
    LOWER(rid) IN {gene}"

Query specific to source and datatype in an OmixAtlas

If the schema of an OmixAtlas has multiple source and data types then querying for the specific source and/or datatype can be performed as shown below.

from polly import Omixatlas
omixatlas = Omixatlas()
query = """SELECT * FROM repo_name.{source_name_in_schema}.{datatype_name_in_schema}.datasets WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Multiple Myeloma')

Users can use get_schema function of an OmixAtlas to see the source_name and datatype_name to be used.

For clearer understanding of this feature, let’s look at a case:-

In the schema shown below for repo_id: 1659450268526, we can see there are 3 different sources. Out of these sources, the source lincs has 2 datatypes - mutation and transcriptomics

dataset level schema of repo_id 1659450268526

Query examples which will be supported in the above context:-

query = """SELECT * FROM 1659450268526.geo.datasets WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Multiple Myeloma') """
query = """SELECT * FROM 1659450268526.lincs.datasets WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Multiple Myeloma') """
query = """SELECT * FROM 1659450268526.lincs.transcriptomics.datasets WHERE CONTAINS(curated_disease, 'Multiple Myeloma') """

The response to these queries will have a dataframe with columns which are specific to the source and datatype as per the schema shown above.

Other Query Examples

Select a few feature level metadata for selected genes from Mutation datasets of TCGA where dataset_id contains BRCA

query = """SELECT src_dataset_id, disease, protein_position, amino_acids, sequencer, impact, variant_class, consequence, name
    FROM tcga.features AS features
    JOIN (
    SELECT dataset_id AS dataset_id, curated_disease AS disease FROM tcga.datasets WHERE data_type LIKE 'Mutation') AS datasets
    ON features.src_dataset_id = datasets.dataset_id
    WHERE hugo_symbol IN ('TP53','PIK3CA','CDH1','GATA3') AND features.src_dataset_id LIKE '%BRCA%'
    ORDER BY features.src_dataset_id"""

Tutorial Notebooks

  1. Example queries have been given in various notebooks in this github folder.
  2. Sample queries for "geo" have been mentioned in the given notebook.
  3. Refer to this notebook for finding datasets of interest.
  4. For single cell queries, please check this notebook


# Install polly python
pip install polly-python

# Import libraries
from polly.auth import Polly
from polly.omixatlas import OmixAtlas

# Create omixatlas object and authenticate
omixatlas = OmixAtlas()
query = "SELECT * FROM sc_data_lake.samples_singlecell where src_dataset_id in ('Skin', 'SCP1402_nonda', 'GSE160756_GPL20795', 'GSE156793_GPL24676_Adrenal', 'Single-cell_RNA-seq_of_the_Adult_Human_Kidney_Version_1.0')"
iterator = omixatlas.query_metadata_iterator(query)
Query execution succeeded (time taken: 12.77 seconds, data scanned: 487.798 MB)

Implementation example

In the above execution of the query metadata function, a generator object is returned and stored in the variable "iterator". The python script given below uses the iterator to get the data one row at a time and appending it to a buffer list. The buffer limit set is 100 MB, after which the data is merged to the master dataframe. Repeating the same, we get the entire data in one dataframe.

# Sample Script for users
import pandas as pd
total_df = pd.DataFrame()
cumulative_size=0 # To calculate the size of the data collected iteratively
buffer_size=100 # Variable value in MB for buffer array, can be changed according to the need
for i in iterator:
    size = sys.getsizeof(i)
    size_in_MB = cumulative_size/(1024*1024) # Converting bytes to MB
    if size_in_MB >= buffer_size:
        total_df = total_df.append(pd.DataFrame.from_records(result))
        result.clear() # clearing records from the buffer for optimisation

if size_in_MB < buffer_size:
    total_df = total_df.append(pd.DataFrame.from_records(result))


(745797, 44)

SQL Query Syntax

Complete Syntax

The complete syntax for searching and aggregating data is as follows:

[ WITH with_query [, ...] ]
SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] select_expression [, ...]
[ FROM from_item [, ...] ]
[ WHERE condition ]
[ GROUP BY [ ALL | DISTINCT ] grouping_element [, ...] ]
[ HAVING condition ]
[ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST] [, ...] ]
[ OFFSET count [ ROW | ROWS ] ]
[ LIMIT [ count | ALL ] ]

Writing conditions with operators

The following operators can be used to define the conditions in the above mentioned queries:

Operators Functions performed
= Equal to operator which can be used to find matching strings with values in the columns
<> Not equal to operator which can be used to find non-matching strings with values in the columns
> Greater than operator which can be used ONLY for integer based columns
< Less than operator which can be used ONLY for integer based columns
>= Greater than or equal to operator which can be used ONLY for integer based columns
<= Less than or equal to operator which can be used ONLY for integer based columns
IS NULL Check if the field value is NULL.
IS NOT NULL Check if the field value is NOT NULL.
AND All values across the parameters searched for have to be present in a dataset for it to be returned as a match when the AND operator is used.

e.g. “organism = ‘Homo sapiens' AND disease = 'Carcinoma, Hepatocellular’” would only return datasets that belong to homo sapiens and have the disease as hepatocellular carcinoma.
OR Atleast any one value across the parameters searched for have to be present in a dataset for it to be returned as a match when the OR operator is used.

e.g. organism = 'Homo sapiens' OR disease = 'Carcinoma, Hepatocellular' would return datasets that belong to homo sapiens or have the disease as hepatocellular carcinoma or match both criteria.
MATCH QUERY(,'value') It works like a fuzzy search. If you add a string for a parameter with this operator, it would return all possible results matching each word in the string. The search output is returned with a “Score” using which the output is sorted.

e.g. MATCH_QUERY(description,'Transcriptomics profiling') would return all datasets having transcriptomics profiling , Transcriptomics and profiling as possible terms within their description. Each dataset would be scored on the basis of matching of the searched string with the information present within the dataset.
MATCH PHRASE(,'value') This can be used for exact phrase match with the information being searched for.

e.g. MATCH_PHRASE(description,'Transcriptomics profiling') would only return the datasets that have Transcriptomics profiling within their description.
MULTI MATCH('query'='value', 'column_name'='value) This can be used to search for text in multiple fields, use MULTI MATCH('query'='value', 'column_name'='value).

e.g. MULTI MATCH('query'='Stem Cells', 'fields'='tissue','description') would return datasets that have "Stem Cell" in either tissue OR description fields.
GROUP BY The GROUP BY operator groups rows that have the same values into summary rows. The GROUP BY statement is often used with aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG) to group the result-set by one or more columns.
HAVING Use the HAVING clause to aggregate inside each bucket based on aggregation functions (COUNT, AVG, SUM, MIN, and MAX). The HAVING clause filters results from the GROUP BY clause
COUNT(*) This counts each row present in a table/index being queried.

NOTE: The output of this query would return a JSON stating the total number of rows in the table
LIMIT NOTE: The response of any query returns 200 entries by default.
You can extend this by defining the LIMIT of the results you want to query to be able to return.
ORDER BY Can only be used to sort the search results using integer based parameters in the schema. Sorting on the basis of dataset_id, number of samples, _score of the data is available at the dataset-level metadata. ASC or DESC can be used to define whether you want to order the rows in ascending or descending order respectively