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Running Nextflow pipelines

Running Nextflow Pipelines

Pre-requisite: 1. Have access to the repository folder - - Can't find link if not write request for access from Indraneel.

  1. Pipeline structured in nf pipeline, basically the and modules should be ready to use

  2. All the relevant Data files

Section 1 : Get the workspace ready:

  1. Visit - Can't find link, download the repository folder. Now the files and folders in the repository holds the following details:

    2. Update the data, modules and files as per your requirement - resource to understand this better can be found here - Nextflow training

    Understand the contents of each folder in repository

    • Data - Data folder should be updated with all the relevant fq files

    • Module - Its basically a stand-alone module scripts that can be included and shared across multiple workflows. Each module can contain its own process or workflow definition.

    • Is the main nextflow script which imports all the modules to run. This allows you to store these components in a separate file(s) so that they can be re-used in multiple workflows.

  2. Here under Params section, you need to update the workspace name in which the repository is updated and uploaded.

    Define your polly workspace:

    params.workspace_id = 9810

    Sections under the file: 2.1. Define your params:

    params.reads = "$baseDir/data/ggal/ggal_gut_{1,2}.fq"
    params.fastqc_outdir= "FASTQC" 
    params.multiqc_outdir= "MULTIQC"
    2.2. Define your polly workspace:

    params.workspace_id = 9810

    2.3. Message

    2.4. Main Script:

    workflow {
        read_pairs_ch = channel.fromFilePairs( params.reads, checkIfExists: true ) 

    2.5. Completion handler

    workflow.onComplete { 
        println ( workflow.success ? "\nWorkflow completed. Enjoy! \n" : "Oops .. something went wrong" )
  3. Create a folder in your workspace, give a relevant name, here we have used demo as a name, upload the downloaded and updated repository folder from step 3 and 4 from local to Polly workspace,


    Using Polly CLI function the local files can be synced to the workspace To upload the downloaded and updated repository from step 3 and 4 from local to Polly workspace, by using the following command:

    polly files sync --workspace-id  --source  --destination 

    Workspace ID of the workspace where the data is being synced has to be mentioned in the --workspace-id option. Source and destination can be Polly workspace path as well as local path. Workspace path should start with polly:// followed by the directory path in the workspace where the data is to be synced. Here polly:// is the root directory for the mentioned workspace.

    polly files sync --workspace-id 9810 --source ./ --destination polly://Demo

Section 2 : Execute-in-terminal/Polly-CLI

  1. Install/update Polly CLI Polly CLI - Polly Documentation or open up a notebook on polly with the smallest machine possible (as it already has Polly CLI pre-installed)

    Quick installation guide


    Dependencies Required for Polly CLI

    The following dependencies are required to be installed before installing Polly CLI:

    • Node and npm:

      • Linux: For installation on Linux, follow the steps mentioned here.

      • Mac: For installation on Mac, follow the steps mentioned here.

    Commands to install

    To install Polly CLI, run the following commands on Terminal / Command prompt:

    • Linux:

      sudo npm install -g @elucidatainc/pollycli
    • Mac:

      npm install -g @elucidatainc/pollycli

  2. Open your terminal or polly notebook code using bash:

    Currently a small step has to be done for configuring your polly CLI. Please copy paste these codes on a terminal.

    echo 'const axios = require("axios");
    const chalk = require("chalk");
    const pollyEnv = require("./env.json");
    const pollymsg = require("./message");
    const { getHeaders } = require("./pollyheaders");
    const getWorkflowClient = async () => {
        const{ headers } = await getHeaders();
        const workflowClient = axios.create({
            baseURL: `${pollyEnv.computeApi}/workflow`,
        return workflowClient;
    export const submitWorkflow = async (workspace_id, config) => {
        try {
            const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient();
            let { pipeline, main_script, container } = config;
            if(!pipeline.endsWith("/")) {
                pipeline = pipeline + "/";
            const body = {
            if(!!container) {
                body.container = container;
            if(!!main_script) {
                body.main_script = main_script
            const res = await"/", body);
            pollymsg.pollySuccess(`${}, run_id = ${}`);
            console.log(chalk.bold(`status: polly workflows status --run-id=${}`));
            console.log(chalk.bold(`logs  : polly workflows logs --run-id=${}`));
            console.log(chalk.bold(`cancel: polly workflows cancel --run-id=${}`));
        } catch(e) {
            if(e.response && {
    export const deleteWorkflow = async (run_id) => {
        try {
            const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient();
            const res = await workflowClient.delete(`/${run_id}`);
            pollymsg.pollySuccess("workflow execution terminated");
        } catch(e) {
            if(e.response && {
    export const getWorkflow = async (run_id) => {
        try {
            const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient();
            const res = await workflowClient.get(`/${run_id}`);
            if( === "failed") {
                console.log(`workflow ${}`));
            } else {
                console.log(`workflow ${}`))
        } catch(e) {
            if(e.response && {
    export const getWorkflowLogs = async (run_id) => {
        try {
            const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient();
            const res = await workflowClient.get(`/${run_id}/logs`);
            if( === 0) {
                console.log("logs not yet generated");
        } catch(e) {
            if(e.response && {
    sudo mv ./workflows.js /usr/lib/node_modules/@elucidatainc/pollycli/src/workflows.js
    cat /usr/lib/node_modules/@elucidatainc/pollycli/src/workflows.js

  3. Now open up your terminal and type:

    polly workflows submit \
    --workspace-id <******> \
    --pipeline <name of the folder> \
    --main-script \
    --container <docker image>


    polly workflows submit \
    --workspace-id 9810 \
    --pipeline Demo \
    --main-script \
    - Run the command 4. You will get 3 commands to see the status or check the logs or to cancel the workflow.

  4. Just copy paste and run each of these command from the output and you’ll be able to check the status, log or cancel the run.

Reading the output has been explained in detail at the end