Nextflow Output
Nextflow Output
Note the workflow ID - go to the workspace you had entered before - you will see a folder created with the workflow ID there which will have the html and trace files.
Here you’ll find four different files:
- Dag file - Execution process flow of the pipeline can be viewed, observed if the flow is
You can see an example below:
- Report : Nextflow creates an HTML execution report: a single document which includes many useful metrics about a workflow execution. The report is organised in the three main sections: Summary, Resources and Tasks.
- Summary :The Summary section reports the execution status, the launch command, overall execution time and some other workflow metadata
You can see an example below
 - Resource Usage: The Resources section plots the distribution of resource usage for each workflow process using the interactive plotly.js plotting library.
- Plots are shown for CPU, memory, job duration and disk I/O. They have two (or three) tabs with the raw values and a percentage representation showing what proportion of the requested resources were used. These plots are very helpful to check that task resources are used efficiently.
You can see an example below

- Plots are shown for CPU, memory, job duration and disk I/O. They have two (or three) tabs with the raw values and a percentage representation showing what proportion of the requested resources were used. These plots are very helpful to check that task resources are used efficiently.
- Tasks: The Tasks section lists all executed tasks, reporting for each of them the status, the actual command script, and many other metrics.
You can see an example below

- Timeline: Nextflow can render an HTML timeline for all processes executed in your pipeline.