Install/update Polly CLI Polly CLI - Polly Documentation or open up a notebook on polly with the smallest machine possible (as it already has Polly CLI pre-installed)
Quick installation guide
Dependencies Required for Polly CLI
The following dependencies are required to be installed before installing Polly CLI:Commands to install
To install Polly CLI, run the following commands on Terminal / Command prompt:-
Open your terminal or polly notebook code using bash:
Currently a small step has to be done for configuring your polly CLI. Please copy paste these codes on a terminal.
echo 'const axios = require("axios"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const pollyEnv = require("./env.json"); const pollymsg = require("./message"); const { getHeaders } = require("./pollyheaders"); const getWorkflowClient = async () => { const{ headers } = await getHeaders(); const workflowClient = axios.create({ baseURL: `${pollyEnv.computeApi}/workflow`, headers }); return workflowClient; } export const submitWorkflow = async (workspace_id, config) => { try { const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient(); let { pipeline, main_script, container } = config; if(!pipeline.endsWith("/")) { pipeline = pipeline + "/"; } const body = { workspace_id, pipeline, } if(!!container) { body.container = container; } if(!!main_script) { body.main_script = main_script } const res = await workflowClient.post("/", body); pollymsg.pollySuccess(`${res.data.message}, run_id = ${res.data.id}`); console.log(chalk.bold(`status: polly workflows status --run-id=${res.data.id}`)); console.log(chalk.bold(`logs : polly workflows logs --run-id=${res.data.id}`)); console.log(chalk.bold(`cancel: polly workflows cancel --run-id=${res.data.id}`)); } catch(e) { if(e.response && e.response.data) { pollymsg.pollyError(e.response.data.detail); } pollymsg.pollyError(e.message); } } export const deleteWorkflow = async (run_id) => { try { const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient(); const res = await workflowClient.delete(`/${run_id}`); pollymsg.pollySuccess("workflow execution terminated"); } catch(e) { if(e.response && e.response.data) { pollymsg.pollyError(e.response.data.detail); } pollymsg.pollyError(e.message); } } export const getWorkflow = async (run_id) => { try { const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient(); const res = await workflowClient.get(`/${run_id}`); if(res.data.status === "failed") { console.log(chalk.bold.red(`workflow ${res.data.status}`)); } else { console.log(chalk.bold.green(`workflow ${res.data.status}`)) } } catch(e) { if(e.response && e.response.data) { pollymsg.pollyError(e.response.data.detail); } pollymsg.pollyError(e.message); } } export const getWorkflowLogs = async (run_id) => { try { const workflowClient = await getWorkflowClient(); const res = await workflowClient.get(`/${run_id}/logs`); if(res.data.logs.length === 0) { console.log("logs not yet generated"); return; } console.log(chalk.bold.italic("logs:")); console.log(res.data.logs); } catch(e) { if(e.response && e.response.data) { pollymsg.pollyError(e.response.data.detail); } pollymsg.pollyError(e.message); } }'>./workflows.js sudo mv ./workflows.js /usr/lib/node_modules/@elucidatainc/pollycli/src/workflows.js cat /usr/lib/node_modules/@elucidatainc/pollycli/src/workflows.js
Now open up your terminal and type:
polly workflows submit \ --workspace-id <******> \ --pipeline <name of the folder> \ --main-script main.nf \ --container <docker image>
- Run the command 4. You will get 3 commands to see the status or check the logs or to cancel the workflow. -
Just copy paste and run each of these command from the output and you’ll be able to check the status, log or cancel the run.